AR Genie introduces a Multi User Collaboration Feature to its Augmented Reality Software, Remote Assist

March 11, 2024

San Jose, California, United States, 11 March 2024 - ‍AR Genie, a leading provider of Augmented Reality Remote Support solutions, announced a new Multi-User Collaboration feature for its Augmented Reality Software, Remote Assist. With this new feature, AR Genie strengthens the remote collaboration among users and empower businesses to further enhance their operations, maintenance, training and tech support through seamless collaboration between diverse expertise and on-site technicians teams. 

The multi-user support feature of Remote Assist enables multiple users to collaborate in real-time in the same augmented environment simultaneously. Designed to foster smooth and seamless collaboration between the remote support and on-site technicians teams, it addresses scenarios where specialized skills and diverse expertise is required for efficient troubleshooting and issue resolution. With this enhancement in the software platform, remote teams can work together, multiple experts can collaborate irrespective of geographical barriers, exchanging ideas, sharing insights while solving challenges collectively.

AR Genie Remote Assist goes beyond basic video conferencing. Its AR powered functionality allows it for dynamic annotation scaling during live camera video streaming enabling on-site technicians to identify and resolve the problems quickly with real-time assistance and AR makers tools superimposed on their physical environment. When used with handheld devices or AR glass, Remote Assist enables smooth hands-free operation, ensuring focused task execution without distractions. The addition of multi-user support enables experts to collaborate with another subject matter expert for the same remote session through the portal or app to provide assistance to on-site technicians. Experts can send invite links, create session notes and record the live sessions for training and monitoring purposes.

Key Highlights of AR Genie's Multi-User Collaboration Feature in its Augmented Reality Software:

Limit of Three Participants: To optimize the efficiency, knowledge and focused engagement between the participants, the Multi-User Collaboration features allows up to three participants to join the remote session simultaneously which can be increased or tailored as per the demand of the enterprises. 

Varied Participants Roles: The feature allows for a maximum number of three participants to join the same session at a real time. There can be two experts accessing the session from the portal, while a third participant can be on-site technician joining via AR Genie mobile app or tablet and vice-versa. 

Live Session Recording: Remote experts can record the live remote session and create notes exclusively from the portal to keep the track record of the live session for training, documentation, and monitoring purposes.

Live Chat and Snapshot sharing: During the remote collaboration while using the multi-user feature, experts can take the snapshot of the live annotated video streaming, highlighting specific details, share files or documents via chat with the on-site technicians and other teams.

Brief Use Case Examples of Multi-User Collaboration Augmented Reality Software:

Here is a brief use case overview of how this feature works to provide collaborative expertise with faster problem solving, saving time, cost and efficiency of the workforce. 

Combined expertise for faster issue resolution: 

Case 1: A critical piece of machinery malfunctions on the factory floor.


  • On-site technician: Connect with Senior Engineer through AR Genie app on a tablet or mobile device to see the equipment and receive instructions.

  • Senior Engineer (Portal 1): Provides technical expertise and guidance to the on-site technician through live camera video streaming, troubleshooting steps, highlighting specific components and areas with AR annotations tools.

  • Maintenance Specialist (Portal 2): The specialist joining the session from another portal provides references, technical manuals and schematics to offer additional insights and suggest potential solutions while discussing and collaborating with the senior engineer on live remote sessions. 

Collaborative learning & training sessions: 

Case 2: Streamlining employee training process across multiple locations


  • Training Manager ( Portal 1) : Training manager oversees training sessions and provides guidance through AR instructions or annotations to participants joining the remote session from their respective locations, sharing his specialized knowledge and expertise.

  • Trainees ( On-site & Remote ) : Both the trainees located on-site and remote locations can participate in the same session via AR Genie Mobile app to receive hands-on training or guidance.


This feature enhances the overall collaborative experience in remote assistance scenarios, enabling businesses to enhance their industrial operations and maintenance with extended support. The Multi-User Collaboration feature is now available to all AR Genie users. To learn more about AR Genie and its industry-leading solutions, visit 

About AR Genie:

AR Genie is a leading provider of Augmented Reality Remote Support solutions, dedicated to revolutionizing industries through advanced technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Large Language Models (LLM), and Spatial Computing. Headquartered in San Jose, California, with registered office in Japan, the company specializes in developing software solutions for Remote Visual Assistance, Work Instructions, and AR self-services.

AR Genie's core offerings include real-time tech support facilitated by live video enriched with augmented reality (AR) annotations, AR Manuals, 3D models, and visual automation. The company excels in Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, LLM, and Spatial Computing, providing comprehensive solutions for industrial operations, maintenance, training and development, and self-services.

AR Genie caters to diverse industries, including manufacturing, training, field services, automobile, aerospace and defense, oil and gas, energy, healthcare, insurance, telecommunications and more.. With a commitment to empower organizations and driving excellence, AR Genie stands at the forefront of transforming the remote assistance landscape.


AR Genie and AR Genie Inc. are registered trademarks of AR Genie. Inc. All other products, logos, and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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Abhishek Sharma (VP- Sales & Marketing AR Genie), India
+91 9313167893‍