Augmented Reality Training

Train new employees or technical staff with intuitive AR work instructions & bring expertise directly to their hands

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Why AR in Training?

Traditional training methods can be ineffective & time-consuming due to :
●     High training costs
●     Inflexible classroom environments
●     Limited equipment access
●     Expert unavailability
●     Increased risks or practice errors

AR training eliminates these barriers by providing real-time, on-the-job immersive & flexible learning with step-by-step instructions. With AR, learners can practice real-world scenarios in a safe & risk free environment with virtual tools or equipment to enhance their skills.

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Accelerate Skill Development of your Technicians & Teams with AR Training

Whether you're new to the team or unfamiliar with the machinery, AR has the solution for you to become a self expert. Wear the AR headset or open your tablet & get trained with Augmented Reality On-the-Job & Simulated Training to master your skills.

On-the-job AR Training for Real-time Learning

On-the-job AR training accelerates the understanding of the employees or trainees by guiding them through real-world tasks and procedures while they perform their actual job duties. It provides

● Hands-on experience on the equipment or machinery.
● Step-by-step instructions, enabling them to learn by performing tasks in real-time.

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Augmented Reality Technology
Augmented Reality Technology

Simulated AR Training for Complex Tasks & Risky Environments

Simulated AR training enhances skill development by allowing trainees to practice in a risk-free controlled environment by using the digital tools or virtual equipment. New hires or less skilled workers can practice complex procedures, and gain valuable experience without touching real equipment.

● Minimizes real-world mistakes.
● Builds confidence before handling real equipment, & accelerates on-field performance.

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●     Evidence based workflows: With AR-powered evidence proof workflows, trainees leave evidence note after completing each steps. This help supervisors to ensure proper procedures are followed and also help in improving the effectiveness of the training and areas of concern .

●     Improve knowledge retention : AR displays information in easy to follow steps, 3D models, images, videos, animations, & docs etc to make the complex procedure more feasible to remember and understand.

●    Empower deskless workforce & enhance safety: AR training simulates high-risk scenarios in a safe controlled environment, allowing employees to practice new skills with virtual equipment, empowering them to learn faster & safely.

●     Upskill the non technical staff & reduces training cost: AR simplifies complex concepts, allowing non-technical staff to learn quickly and effectively in an immersive AR environment, reducing training time and costs compared to theoretical learning.

How AR Genie help in your Industrial Training Needs

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