Remote Visual Assistance  with Augmented Reality

Quickly resolve your customer's issues remotely with instructions given via Augmented Reality on Smart AR Glasses and Smartphones/Tablets.

Get Started

Redefine how Businesses Connect, Troubleshoot, & Excel in their Support with AR Genie Remote Assist

Experience real-time assistance through AR annotations on live camera video streaming, complemented by real time screen sharing & integrated on chat file sharing features.

Introduction to AR Genie, an app that employs augmented reality to make remote assistance and trainings more efficient.

AR Genie for Remote Visual Assistance

AR Genie employs Augmented Reality Remote Visual Assistance to make troubleshooting easier than ever, significantly reducing troubeshooting time.


Satisfied insurance agent after minimized claim lifecycle with AR claim

Real-time Troubleshooting

Speed up the resolution process with AR Genie Remote Assist. Experts provide immediate real-time troubleshooting & assistance to resolve the technical issues as they occur regardless of the geographical location of the recipient, resolving problems in real-time using AR annotations & tools right from their desk force.

Reduced Technician Travel & Cost

Resolving issues remotely from the desk reduces the unnecessary on-site travel of technicians. Assisting users from remotely using AR annotations & live camera video streaming save resources & time spent on travelling.

Insurance agent processing the insurance claim faster with automation in insurance
Happy insurance provider with after AR risk management with augmented reality in adjustment sessions

External USB Camera Support

Enable the External USB Camera feature on AR Genie Remote Assist app to allow your remote expert to see what you see via non AR live video camera streaming. Simply clip the USB camera onto the technician's helmet or glasses for hands-free operation and real-time troubleshooting guidance.

Reduced Machine Downtime

Remote visual assistance minimizes machine downtime by offering immediate support or guidance, hence resolving issues swiftly without delays in physical visits of the technicians or expert personnel.

Happy insurance agent and customer with easy onboarding with AR in insurance
Happy insurance provider with after AR risk management with augmented reality in adjustment sessions

Enhanced Collaboration & Global Accessibility

Remote assistance enables global collaboration among teams or experts, removing geographical barriers. Experts can share their screen in real time with other support teams & files on chat for better understanding of the issues at hand, streamlining the troubleshooting process.

Expert providing remote visual assistance to end user for easy troubleshooting


  • AR Annotations on live video
  • Session Recording & Notes
  • Multi-User Collaboration
  • Real-Time Screen Sharing
  • Live Chat & Gallery Support
  • Capture Snapshots with Annotations
  • External USB Camera Support
  • Invite Agents & Share Link to Users
  • SDK-Integration with existing systems/app

AR Genie Supporting Devices

AR Genie supports Smartphones, Tablets & AR Glasses devices for enhanced experiences in remote visual assistance & tech support , providing user-friendly interface to users.

  • Smartphones ( iOS / Android )
  • Tablets ( iOS / Android )

How It Works

AR Genie makes troubleshooting, operational assistance and remote trainings way faster using Augmented Reality to help you annotate on live video, combined with in-built chat and file sharing capabilities.


Link received on smartphone to start AR support session for visual assistance
One click on the SMS/Email link and you are connected!

Identify /Analyse

Remote expert Identifying the issue on AR live stream for remote visual support
The expert analyses the issue /machine-setup quickly through live stream.

Assist /Train

Remote expert provides step by step guidance for remote video support
The expert guides you through the solution /training effectively with annotations.

Resolve /Upskill

Customer happy after the issue get resolved with AR remote assistance
AR Genie makes troubleshooting /trainings surprisingly convenient!
time fix rate
Extend Expert Reach
time fix rate
Minimize Costs
time fix rate
Maximize Uptime

Customer Reviews..

kissfly logo
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"AR GENIE is an extremely advanced tool that works flawlessly for remote troubleshooting and problem solving."

Clement Joly,
CEO, Kissfly
impact logo
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"AR Genie helped improve our customer service satisfaction by 70% over the last 8 months. Couldn't be more satisfied!"

Arun Mehta,
CEO, Impact Poster Gallery
mindsol logo
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"AR Genie resolves a large number of client concerns, allowing remote troubleshooting without dispatching technicians."

Dinesh Pandey,
GM, Mindsol
magnima logo
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"AR Genie enables our agents to serve our clients with a more effective and efficient service as well as a better customer experience."

Anoop Joseph,
CEO, Magnima